
Sunday, September 8, 2013

Educate your child for sucess in life ...

Educating your child is essential to the success of his / her life. The vast majority agree on this matter . Parents play a key role in the education of children and more often than teachers themselves . If you calculate mathematically will understand that 6 hours per day in school during 36 weeks of instruction multiplied by 12 years out of school hours learning 12.960 . It gets 540 days of instruction over 12 years . It does not sound too right? And teachers have a responsibility to not only transmit knowledge but also basic scientific , artistic , historical , geographical , etc. . There is no doubt that parents should spend time with the children on the school lessons .
Qysh Me Pasuru Edukimin e FĂ«miut1

Develop an educational approach . Every experience that you share with your child may have an educational connotation if you Connecting know that. Life is a learning class , and if you focus on learning , then you will find real-life examples that relate to the child's education .
Develop skills in the use of language to express . Your child will benefit greatly from the academic activities at school if good skill to express . Read books , poems , poetry , book chapters , magazine articles or newspaper with your child . Talk regularly . Many of us talk with him very briefly eg collect toys , brush my teeth , eat fruits and so on . Conversations on the one hand , enable the exchange of thoughts and ideas . Also play word games .
Expand the child experiences as much as you can . Studies show that children understand much better reading if they can connect with their lives . Take the baby with you on trips , walk . Go to parks , museums and concerts .
Answer the questions correctly to child . Children are naturally curious . It is not important to have answers for everything , but at least teach the child that immediately found the same answer . Teach together . Create things that explain any questions about how something works , draw . Children learn best through trial and if you manage to give many opportunities that education course his / her will be enriched .
Play games with your child . Our society often underestimates games as unimportant . It is important to play games with them as they develop creativity and imagination . Eg card games help improve calculation , reading , understanding , and grading . Almost all games help a child to develop the level of thinking about organizing , planning , and evaluation strategy .
Include the child in daily affairs . Since when are young , children can learn from the managed works with all we have to do , and so learn from experiences . Young children love to imitate while you do housework or dailies . When you grow up a little it would feel like to help you in this job . When you become a teenager should learn from the cooked , managed money and other household chores . Very often a parent of a child misses involvement in these activities because you are busy . Sometimes it is just easier to do the job themselves . But if you neglect this fundamental aspect of being a parent , I close the door of opportunity for the child's education .
You may notice that every interaction you have with the child 's parent may be instructive in its own way .

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