
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

How to improve your health in several ways ...

If you are asking yourself how and from here you can improve your health begin , start with these seven simple steps in this article .
We all know that to improve health we need to drink more water , eat more fruits and vegetables and exercise , but additionally adds little . Example much water should you drink? How should eat fruit ? How should vegetables served on a plate and enough exercise? If now being asked here where you can improve your health start , then go read to start with these seven steps .
Drink more than 8 glasses a day .
People need much more water than they do in reality drink . If it weighs more than 60 pounds or exercising regularly (two and a half hours per week ) you'll need more than 8 glasses of water a day . To find a sufficient amount of water you should drink then this formula is ( your weight : 30.5 liters = quantity of water h day ) . OK , say that weigh 90 kilograms , divide 90 by 30.5 when it appears that 3:27 should drink liters of water per day ( round 3.3 ) . Considering that an average cup fit 0.3 liter ( 300 milliliters ) of water it appears that the person who is 90 pounds should drink 11 glasses of water a day .
Try to Hash Two Trees cup and 2.5 cup vegetables per day .
Surely you've heard about this we should eat fruits and vegetables that are healthier, but how ? In the service world cup semi service ( ministry ) of trees is equal to a full apples or bananas , oranges , peaches , tomatoes and so on ( Half an apple cup = ) . When we say that we should eat two cup then this translates example, two apples and two bananas . This was the only instance for example you can choose two oranges and an apple and a banana . But a tree service or vegetable juice is equal to 0:11 liters ( 110 milliliters ) .
You do not need to buy only organic production .
Pesticides can not penetrate ( infiltrate ) the thick skin of some fruits and vegetables . According to the Environmental Working Group , 12 the following fruits and vegetables most contaminated with pesticides : peaches , apples , bell peppers , celery , nectar , strawberries , cherries , kale , lettuce , grapes ( imported ) , carrots and pears . These can be organic look while others can not buy as organic .
Find A Quantity consumption of calories that is easy to hold for You .
Of course you can start to consume 1200 calories a day for several months and thus lose weight , but as soon as you start to add the amount , say 1600 calories per day , you will begin to add weight . Since this does not happen then imagine the weight that you want to have and multiply it by 22 . We say that it wants to have and keep weight 75 kilograms , multiply 75kg * 22 it appears that you keep the weight should consume 1738 ( 1750 ) calories per day . Remember that if you practice it can consume a bit more for those who burn during exercise .
How important has Exercises And Not As time goes on fitness .
U.S. Department for Health and Human Services recommends that one week I do at least two hours and 30 minutes of aerobic exercise ( such as brisk walking or swimming ) or one hour and 15 minutes of hard aerobic activity ( such as jogging or cycling ) , and preferably those hours spread over the week . Try to do 30 minutes of activity every day , but if it fails , then an hour is enough cardio exercise ( such as running ) and two training sessions with weights twice a week . Also do not forget that when exercise is exercise that you do not just hold the desired weight but also to avoid diseases . Your labor can not repay you have cancer , diabetes and heart disease .
Drink Chocolate Milk After heavy exercises .
No , do not say that to drink immediately after exercise . Wait until the rest of the stomach and then drink . And now tell you why should you drink chocolate milk after exercise , drink water during exercise replaces sweat and pour chocolate milk provides carbohydrates , protein , calcium and less salt and sugar , which perfectly complement tired muscles after running a long and tiring , after swimming or cycling . In other words, milk chocolate with water is much more

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